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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011...Welcome 2012..

Annyeonghaseyo people !!
wow~ can't believe that now we are in the year of 2012...
So fast the time flies...
Say Goodbye to dear 2011...
Thanks for all the memories made in 2011..
Anything that happen in 2011 will help us to be much better in the year to come..

Welcome 2012 !!!
Its already 2012..and my age will also adding up..hmmm~~
Btw,New Year celebration was awesome for me..
Even it was just a simple celebration with family,but it was nice..
I was celebrating New Year at my grandma's place..
I think it was the 2nd year I celebrated it there..
What I like the most is the fireworks...
I really enjoy the fireworks..
It makes me feel really happy looking at those fireworks in the sky..
Then I flashback..
There were 2 times when I celebrated New Year away from home..
1st : New Year 2009..
Where am I ??

I was in the National Service that time..We were stuck in dorm(dorm Rambutan..funny name right ??lol xD)
during the New Year...hmm~~pity to hear that huh ??
my besties in camp..Christina Rini..

2 more besties..Jane & Oly..
New Year 2010 ? I was celebrating it with my new friends...
Minggu Mesra Siswa..taking picture with Mr Graduation..
That time I was in the middle of my orientation "Minggu Mesra Siswa"..
The new year was..hmm..what can I say ?? Just nothing..

Now,lets talk about 2012..
1st ??
Of course,a new hope for the new year..wanna be a better person..
plus,for studies of course...hope I'll get through it well..
The thing that I've been waiting for since 2010 is...
2012  is the year where I will finish my study in diploma..
wow~looks like I have been a diploma student for 2 years now...
I'm glad I move on without any problems..
me in the 1st semester..the hair looks funny..lol xD
Every semester was an unforgetable memories for me and all my beloved friends...
the 2nd semester.. :)

3rd Semester... :)

4th semester..hmm.. 

Wow~ flashback of my appearances in the last 4 semester...
how about now ??

me ? nothing will ever change...I hope this new year will bring much happiness to me and all the people around me...
 One of my wish this year would be...
graduate my diploma on time.. :D

I really wish everything would go just smoothly as it is..
I hope its worth of my effort studying for almost 3 years...
can't wait for that moment to come.. ;)

2011 have been washed away..but all the precious moment still be in our hearts..
In this brand new year,
I hope everything will go on as it is..
2011 have left me so many things that I still need to improve each one of it...

I think that's all that I can share for this update...
Have a blessed New Year people !!
Stay cool,stay gorgeous,stay healthy !!
Last but not least......

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