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Sunday, January 29, 2012

another ordinary week...some random stuff !

Hello people !!
Another week dh pon berlalu...
x tau la nk ckp apa kn..
Week ne pon sm mcm week sblm ne jugak..
I feel miserable sgt~~

Minggu ne ada 2 lagi test yg I kna ambek...
FAR300 & TAX320..
Comments about test tu ??
FAR300 tu kira mcm okay la..
I x merungut sgt..
tp paper yg 1 lagi tu yg bikin hati sakit sgt..
Soalan tu simple but a bit tricky la..
tp,masalah nya,I msh jugak confuse dgn benda yg simple tu..
GERAM sgt dgn myself ba...

Okay la...mls nk crita lg pasal benda ne...
tgk jap gambar bwh tu....

Ne la novel yg I beli with voucher last week... 
"Vampire Beach"..
Sampai mana dh baca ??
Sparuh pon belum smpai ba...lol xD
1st time tu beli novel...ahahaha~~
sebelum ne rajin baca komik & majalah je k...kekekeke~
If voucher tu dpt guna beli benda lain,
mst xda la buku2 ke,stationery semua...ahahhaa~
Maybe beli korean merchandise ke..
or even beli accessories kot..
Well,I ne mmg gila ba dgn accessories..
Especially dgn rings and bracellet...wow~~

my rings collections..

my bracelets..

Byk ka tu ??
Thats all my accessories collection..
Simpan je yg byk,guna pon jarang..
cincin tu,letak kt semua jari tmasuk jari kaki skali kot..lol xD
My mom dh tau sgt hobi sy ne..
dh x heran dh dia tgk I  byk cincin @ gelang..
dulu time belum dpt beli yg ori,
beli la cincin yg palsu tu...
berkarat la bila dh lama2..
I still simpan few of them...
byk la jugak..
I suka sgt yg ada diamond2 ne..
cantek !!
Gelang ??
Bangle kot yg byk..tp jarang guna..
I now guna gelang silver and cincin silver from collection I tu..
Skrg ne kebykan cincin I beli yg silver punya...
kwn semua dh tau I ne mmg suka kumpul accessories ne..
besides that,
I suka kumpul benda lain jugak.

Other than that,
kt bilik di hostel tu,
dinding dh full dgn posters...

Big poster of INFINITE !




my own poster..lol~~

another INFINITE poster..

all..beside my bed...
I love collecting stuff..
I also got a lot of keychains...
but I didn't took any photo of them...
Ne nk tunjuk sikit my E-pop calendar...

2011 E-Pop Calendar yg dh temankn I selama stahun..

2012 Calendar..much bigger than last year..nice !

Just random2 ja ne ba..
Got no idea sebenarnya...
ehh...lupa pulak..
I dh abes dh tgk tu FLOWER BOY RAMYUN SHOP..
The drama mmg nice..lucu ne...
Tgk la k...
Next ??
Maybe Scent of a woman kot..
Nk tunggu Infinite L's punya drama lg ne...
plus,Dream high 2 jugak..
Byk ne drama baru..
Hello Baby Mblaq pon still on going skrg..
1st episode mmg best...
Can't wait for the rest of the show la..

So,thats all for today ya peeps..
Gotta go now...


  1. oit oit.. apsal last2 ada nama laki sy tuu?

    1. hoho...ba...pkai la jap...ssh2 tu mintak dgn dia...hoho..
