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Thursday, May 26, 2011

bored !!

annyeonghaseyo people of the earth !!!! 
seing the title above,sure i am so damn bored...
i got a lot of drama collection actually..
but  then,i didn't watch them...funny huh ? i just don't have the feel to watch any of them right now..
haha ~ last night i just start watching one japan drama...nice..
my holiday is about to end and i just start to watch one after i've finished watching one korean drama last week...
i was too busy online and downloading some cool mv's..hehe~
sure those drama is for my next coming semester...all of them will make me busy of course..alalala~
hurmmm....sure i can spend my time online but i still feel so damn bored..

they look bored too rite ??? hahaha~
i actually don't know what to write now..out of idea. ??
i just want to post some bored pictures now........lalalaalala~

thats all for now...got to go now...adios !!!

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