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Saturday, November 12, 2011


Scary or what ??
Annyeonghaseyo !!
Deanne imnida..
Well,I'm here again.. :D
i was about to post this yesterday actually..but,the connection was really poor..Even my plan to post about one more korean boy band had to be cancelled..
Okay..enough with the connection..Now back to the title..

Sure this is the date that most of people are waiting..
it is a very unique date..People also think it is a lucky date..all 11 right?
For koreans,11 November is Pepero Day..
What is Pepero Day ??

Pepero Day is similar to Valentine's Day in Korea.
It is named after the korean snack Pepero.
It is celebrated on 11/11 as it resembles 4 sticks of pepero sticks or actually 5 if the slanted one in the middle is counted too..
Pepero (빼빼로) is actually a cookie stick, dipped in chocolate syrup,manufactured by Lotte Confectionery in South Korea since 1983.The Pepero was inspired by the Japanese product, Pocky produced by Glico.
Pepero packaging..
People in Korea will exchange this Pepero sticks,other candies and romantic gifts on that day..
According to one story,Pepero Day was started in 1994 by students at the girl's middle school in Busan,where they exchange Pepero sticks as gift to wish ane another to grow "as tall and slender as Pepero"
Yummy peperos...colourful !!
Okay.Enough with this Pepero Day..Let's move on with something interesting on 11/11/11/..
Of course,it is about relationship..
Many people choose this date to unite with their love ones..
Hope this people whom unites on this date will be happily ever after..
For me,the date was nothing..
Just spending quality time at home with my family..
That is the most valuable thing to do..
Actually,there were other plans,but cancelled..hmm~~

So,I think that's all I wanna share today..
Till next time !!

"GOD always has something for you, a key for every problem, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow & a plain for every tomorrow.."

credits to : wikipedia

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