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Sunday, November 27, 2011


2 weeks dh x update blog..
rindu la plak...hehee~
Been busy..
Skrg x pat nk on9 cam holiday ari tu..huhu..
Okeyh..ne nak story la apa yg dh blaku 2 minggu ne..
1st day sampai kt Kuching around 5.30 la on 14th Nov...
My aunt,husband and lovely daughter ambek la kt terminal..lama jugak tunggu..biasala..jln sesak kn..
So then,dinner..yg lucu sblm dinner tu,I with my cuzzy jln la redah ujan nk pgi tmpat makan ne,skali ada anjing ne,dia menyalak pulak kt kmi 2..so,apa lg...lari la dlm ujan..hahaha~ kinda funny ba..tgk2,anjing tu x kejar pon..
The next day,my uncle hanta pgi campus..ambek kunci bilik la..
Now,jln cerita PM pulak..hehee~~
mlm tu ada pjumpaan ngan semua PM..mmg rs pelik la coz byk PM lama time tu..agak kekok ba ne...jd org baru kn..
Pas tu,the new one ne dibahagikn ke biro2 blainan..
I masuk biro disiplin ne..what ?? DISIPLIN ?? 
wow~ bdisiplin sgt ke I ne ??
Then,go on la the whole week dgn tugas PM ne..
bkn senang ba..bgn kol 4.30 pagi then balik kol 12 @ 1 cam tu...
wow~~ the whole week mmg penat sgt2..but enjoy la coz dpt kenal dgn PM2 lain and the juniors..
So Sabtu tu,abis la MDS dgn jayanya...hehe~
Rs betul2 dihargai ja time tu..tepukan juniors mmg 1 penghargaan yg bernilai dgn kepayahan menjayakan minggu MDS ne..hahaa~
Then,21st tu start la new semester...
1st day,xda kelas pon..sorg je lecturer yg masuk..the whole week tu mmg malas ne nk turun..but,have tu..ada azam ba semester ne..hehe~
Next...outing with my beloved roomies...
the date kitorg semua outing and shopping..plus,movie...

Ne la movie yg kiteorg tgk ari tu...1st tu agak boring ba..but the ending was a bit nice..nk tgk sgt 2nd part ne nnt...huhu~
then,pgi ICT fair plak kt BCCK...sempat la snap few pic situ...

Next,I got myself an early xmas gift...hehe..

Just got myself a new phone..lol xD
early xmas gift utk diri sendiri ba ne...
1st time beli guna own money jugak..sblm ne,my bro yg slalu kasi phone...
so,camera ?? maybe next time..camera phone ne pon ada kn..hahaha~~
so skrg tgh tunggu another items..INFINITE items !!! dh order dh..just tunggu sampai jak lg...
thanks to Nana Hazwanee coz tolong order with payment skali..bleh jd dealer ba dia ne..ngeheee~~
next,few picture time outing tu...

besar ba pin tu..ngehee~~

okayla...sampai ne jak la.mst busy lg pas ne..entah bila dpt update lg...maybe xmas ??
so,adios for now !!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Last day at home !

Hello !!
Here again...
Still haven't post what i have promised before..
One more boy band actually..hmm~~
Okay..back to the title..
Today is my last day at home...
Tomorrow,I will be on the road back to Kuching..
There is still one more week actually..
But,now I have to go back..
Its okay,1 month holiday was fun..
Fun ? ahaha~
Sure its fun,coz its home..
Today I spend precious time at home..
And of course,busy packing...
Lots of thing packed..
Next week,21/11..The lecture will begin..
Waa..new semester is coming..
Got to prepare..Prepare ???
I think I'm not ready...
Weiii~~ Its the 5th semester already...
I'm in the third year now..
1 more semester and I'm done with my diploma...
Studying Accounting was a very tough thing..
I'm glad I coz I survive 4 semesters without any problems..
I hope it will be the same in this 2 coming semester..
I hope my journey back will be fine..
Got to go now...

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Scary or what ??
Annyeonghaseyo !!
Deanne imnida..
Well,I'm here again.. :D
i was about to post this yesterday actually..but,the connection was really poor..Even my plan to post about one more korean boy band had to be cancelled..
Okay..enough with the connection..Now back to the title..

Sure this is the date that most of people are waiting..
it is a very unique date..People also think it is a lucky date..all 11 right?
For koreans,11 November is Pepero Day..
What is Pepero Day ??

Pepero Day is similar to Valentine's Day in Korea.
It is named after the korean snack Pepero.
It is celebrated on 11/11 as it resembles 4 sticks of pepero sticks or actually 5 if the slanted one in the middle is counted too..
Pepero (빼빼로) is actually a cookie stick, dipped in chocolate syrup,manufactured by Lotte Confectionery in South Korea since 1983.The Pepero was inspired by the Japanese product, Pocky produced by Glico.
Pepero packaging..
People in Korea will exchange this Pepero sticks,other candies and romantic gifts on that day..
According to one story,Pepero Day was started in 1994 by students at the girl's middle school in Busan,where they exchange Pepero sticks as gift to wish ane another to grow "as tall and slender as Pepero"
Yummy peperos...colourful !!
Okay.Enough with this Pepero Day..Let's move on with something interesting on 11/11/11/..
Of course,it is about relationship..
Many people choose this date to unite with their love ones..
Hope this people whom unites on this date will be happily ever after..
For me,the date was nothing..
Just spending quality time at home with my family..
That is the most valuable thing to do..
Actually,there were other plans,but cancelled..hmm~~

So,I think that's all I wanna share today..
Till next time !!

"GOD always has something for you, a key for every problem, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow & a plain for every tomorrow.."

credits to : wikipedia

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

비스트 (BEAST)

"Boys of EAst Standing Tall"
Thats the meaning of the group "BEAST"

ANNYEONGHASEYO !! Deanne imnida..
I'm back again..And i have chosen to post about BEAST !! yay!!
I will post some details of this group with 6 handsome boys..
Just get ready and chill..
Lets Go !!
BEAST is a boy band with 6 members under Cube Entertainment..
They are Doo Joon , Hyun Seung , Jun Hyung , Yo Seob , Gi Kwang and Dong Woon..
---> Gi Kwang,Hyun Seung,Dong Woon,Doo Joon,Yo Seob,
Jun Hyung.

Their group was 1st named B2ST.It is a acronym for Boys 2 Search for Top.However,it was then changed to BEAST,Boys of East Standing Tall.
Their 1st mini-album was released on October 14,2009 with the title "BEAST is The B2ST".
BEAST made their live debut on KBS Music Bank on October 16,2009 with the debut track "Bad Girl".
their style in BAD GIRL debut song..
Now lets start viewing their biography one by one..
Lets start with the leader... Yoon Du Jun...
Yoon Doo Joon (윤두준)
Birthday : July 4,1989
Blood Type : A
Doo Joon is the leader of BEAST.He is also the vocalist and the rapper of BEAST.Doo Joon was once a trainee at JYP Entertainment but then he move to Cube Entertainment and debut in BEAST.This guy really love soccer and he is a great leader.
The smile of the LEADER.. :)

Moving on to the next member..We have the pretty boy Jang Hyun Seung..
Jang Hyun Seung (장현승)
Birthday : September 3,1989
Blood Type : B
Hyun Seung is the lead vocalist and the lead dancer of BEAST.This guy really have a great move in dancing.He was once a trainee of YG Entertainment with the nick-name of So-1 and about to debut as 1 of Big Bang members that time and he was in the Big Bang Documentaries too.Unfortunately,he was eliminated from the program and was not chosen as the final members to join Big Bang.But now,he also shines brightly as BEAST members and also performs well in the same stage as Big Bang.

The pretty boy face and the great dancer with nice voice !!
JOKER on the track !! Well,who could this Joker be ??
Its Yong Jun Hyung..The famous rapper of BEAST..
Yong Jun Hyung (용준형)
Birthday : December 19,1989
Blood Type : O
Jun Hyung is the main rapper of BEAST.His original name was Yong Jae Soon,but then,it was change to his name now that is Yong Jun Hyung during his 6th grade.He was once the member of boy band "XING" along with Kevin of UKISS and known as "Poppin' Dragon" during that time.But now,he is the greatest rapper that i have ever known in this Korean music industry. He have beenn featured with many singers.He also wrote songs and one of it is the song FREEZE in their album "Fiction & Fact"..(correct me if I'm wrong)
He'll always be the great rapper that i adore..He is currently in a relationship with Go Hara of KARA..Hope their relationship last forever.. :)

Talented JOKER with a naughty face..raww~~

Next !!
Mr Cute Yang Yo Seob in the house !!
Yang Yo Seob (양요섭)
Birthday : January 5,1990
Blood Type : B
This main vocalist of BEAST always be mistaken as the maknae of the group because of his cute baby face.He have been participated in singing various OST's for drama and was a permanent cast for KBS's "Oh ! My School".

The fake maknae with beautiful voice.. :)
AJ : Ace Junior...Who is that ?? Its Gi Kwang..The boy with hot abs !!
Lee Gi Kwang (이기광)
Birthday : March 30,1990
Blood Type : A
Lee Gi Kwang is the main dancer and lead vocalist of BEAST..His name was AJ (Ace Junior) when he 1st debuted and he released a mini album named "First Episode : A New Hero" on April 4,2009.There were controversies of his name AJ as there were also Paran's member with the same name.(He is now the member of UKISS).So now,he debuted with his original name and redebuted in BEAST.This guy is hot with his 6 packs abs..wow~~He's also good in dance as he is the main dancer..watch him dance in BEAUTIFUL mv..so powerful !

The cute 6 packs guy !!

Last but not least,the handsome maknae(my bias) Son Dong Woon !!
Son Dong Woon (손동운)
Birthday : June 6,1991
Blood Type : A
Isn't he's adorable........opps !!
Okay,This is the maknae or the youngest in BEAST.He is the vocalist of BEAST.He was a trainee in JYP Entertainment for 2 years.
He was then chosen as the last member to join BEAST.This guy have talents in playing piano.(love it!)Dongwoon looks doesn't really show that he is a korean and people keep saying that Nichkhun from 2PM looks more like a korean than a Thailand..lol~
Even though he is the maknae,he seems to act more mature than his hyungs(older brother).

The handsome maknae !! =D
That's the biography of each members in BEAST..They have received many awards and it brings them to what they had become now..They also have debuted in Japan on March 16,2011 with the song "SHOCK"(Japanese version)..
These guys are all talented and they always perform well and never let the BEAUTYs(official fan club) down..
Next,more photos of BEAST..

Next,SELCA !!


These boys really love selca..more to come....

Here some selca taken by the Leader Doo Joon..
with Hyun Seung..

With Joker..

With cutie Yo Seob..

With Ace Junior..

With maknae Sonseuko..
All together now !!
hey,my Woonie is missing here..
 1 happy family... 
The Cube Family...
Okay,I think thats all for BEAST..Hope it is enough..Will be back soon with another group..(Hopefully,before another semester starts).I'm sorry if the information about the boys are wrong..so do inform me if there is any correction about them..
Got to off now..

credits to : 

E-POP MALAY VERSION Magazine ISSUE 25(oct 2011)

pictures from the members Twitter.. :)
Follow them on twitter !
Follow me too :) Deanne

p/s : ARINA , tok jak yg ada..hehehe~ :)