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Friday, May 27, 2016

Little reunion

Last wednesday night (25.05.16), I finally able to meet my friends from my diploma days..good friends I may say..
It was an exciting moment when you're able to meet them again..
I last met them like almost a year ago..
We chit chat about a lot of thing..
Thanks Ivy and Sandra..I had a wonderful dinner..
I was hoping to meet Oli & Cydiana too but they're busy.,
We may not text each other often but we still got that good friends vibe around us..
I am thankful to have them and happy that our relationship remains closer..
Okay..that's enough story about my tiny little reunion..
See you all soon..Bubbye !!
Me, Ivy and Sandra..Western dinner katanyaaaa.hiks!
We continued our chat at McD..hahaha!
Bumped with Atul and her boyfie..

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