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Monday, December 10, 2012

there goes the news...

Annyeonghaseyo people !!
Just a simple post actually..
See the title..
A news that captured my attention..
Well,I did say my latest bias is from Block B..
It's Kim Yoo Kwon..
a.k.a U-Kwon..

That's him for sure..
But last week,he made a sudden expose of his relationship status on the group's official fancafe..
He revealed that he is in a relationship with model Jun Sun Hye..

Jun Sun Hye..
Recently,U-Kwon did talked about his first love..
(I've watched it on The Beatles Code..)
And the first love was Jun Sun Hye..

Okay,I admit that both of them look nice together..
Well,I will always support U-Kwon..
He will still be on my bias list !!
U-Kwon & Sun Hye,wish you guys stay happy together..

There goes my post for today..
Out of boredom actually..
That's all for my post today..
Just another piece of thing pass by my mind..

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