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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tiring week & AC110 PART 5 Final Exam Schedule is out !!

안녕하세요 people  !!
What a busy week this week...
Got 5 test in a row..

TAX 320-Tuesday
MUET Speaking Exam-Wednesday
FAR 300-Wednesday
MAF 320-Thursday
BEL 313-Thursday

Now,my brain feels really tired..
Next week,
1 forum,3 test & 2 quiz..

BEL 313 Forum-Monday
TEST 2 LAW 346-Wednesday
QUIZ MAF 320-Thursday
QUIZ TAX 320-Thursday
TEST 2 MKT 243-Friday
MUET EXAM-Saturday

That's a lot in the upcoming list of mine...

Final Exam Schedule already out...

12/3-MAF 320
18/3-LAW 346
24/3-MKT 243
27/3-FAR 300
30/3-TAX 320

Nothing much to say about the schedule..
I'm hoping to do my best this semester..
All those paper are KILLERS !!

okay now..
Got nothing much to say..
ADIOS yahh !!

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