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Sunday, October 9, 2011

and the holiday begins...

lalala....and the holiday starts..i lmbt update blog...cuti dh bbrapa ari dh..lol..
ehh,whose in the picture ?
thats my latest bias from the group,INFINITE..
his name is Myung Soo @ L...adorable L..hehe..
ehh,byk crita pasal L la plak...
now,bhs swak mode on...
nang paradise la bila dh kt umah tok koh...
sebut psal paradise,INFINITE is back with their song "Paradise"..
very nice song bha..with my latest bias L...kkk..hmm...lmbt btol ku tauk ngan group tok...
they r daebak mcm group2 lain..they are adorable too..
lagu2 cdak nang best...nek tok ku fall ngan single cdak awl dolok called "Can you smile"..
but i like the remake one..L men gitar bha time cdak perform lagu tok..ya la yg best nya juak...kkk~
so my plan this holiday ?? hmm,want to know more about INFINITE la...hehe~
sadly line nang slow eh di rumah tok...bgus gk line d campus nun...balit la kak tok...lol~
(HOLIDAY beb..boh mok balit cnun gk..)
sbnanya lom ada idea glak mok tulis apa gk lam blog tok...still out of idea bha..
so,pas tok mok post gmba cdak INFINITE..my latest favourite boys...kkk~

L (Kim Myung Soo) [김명수]

Sung Gyu (Kim Sung Gyu) [김성규]

Hoya (Lee Ho Won) [이호원]
(Nam Woo Hyun) [남우현]

Sung Jong (Lee Sung Jong) [이성종]

Sung Yeol (Lee Sung Yeol) [이성열]

Dong Woo (Jang Dong Woo) [장동우]

Adorable boys !!! hehe~ i like them..the top 4 is my fav...L,SungGyu,Hoya,WooHyun..hmm..so thats all that i wanted to post today..its more about INFINITE actually...campo2 dh bhs ku ngeblog tok eh...anyway,till next time !! ANNYEONG !

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