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Saturday, August 27, 2011

home sweet home !!!

yeah !!!! best da bunyi title ya...home sweet home !!!
nang best la bila dh smpey rumah...see,up there is the pic of my sweet home...just an ordinary kpg house la kn....smangat kemerdekaan bha..siap ada flag lg...
last nite i was so damn tired sitting in the bus for hours and hours...fuhh~

haa~ that the seat that me and my roomate bought...back of the bus ?? yes,it was at the back of the bus...and i don't like it....
i was going back home with my two lovely bff's...miss Adellynna and miss Annette...

that's both of them....ngehheeheee~
so,the journey was good...safe...but,
my back hurts coz sitting for hours in the bus...hurmmm...of course i'm enjoying 
my playlist....
lalalala~keep replaying 
Leona Lewis Broken...
so nice bha the song...
so,i'm home...there be a lots of thing to do...
i hate looking at those assignment...
its holiday bha !!!
actually i'm out of idea to write now....
so adios then !!!
ehhhh,here some pics i snap at home...out of boredom....lol~

the door of my mansion....lol~

the living room...

another part of the living room...

the door of my hideout....lol~

another piece of art that i spend days to draw it...satisfied with my own art ?? yes i did...hahaha~


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