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Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Selamat hari raya..
kepada saudara serta saudari...
alu raya mode aku tok ehh..lol~
hmmm..p i burink bha...
ri tok malay swak mode la i....
marek raya 1st tek nak..
so,i pun beraya juak...
best aie..
cney i beraya ??
kt umah my beloved sister ah..
rami eh urg...
around 9.30 a.m 
me,my bro,my mom n my 2 cuzzies 
berangkat dr mukah----->sibu...
sbnanya x plan bha mok pgi cnun...
my sis x plan mok raya d rumah juak thn tok...
last minute gk bruk madah ehh..
so smpey rmh my sis around 11.40 a.m...
mkn2 jak kja marek ehh...hahaha...
ya la time raya..
makn jak lha dh urg suroh mkn tek..
balit mukah around 6.45 pm gya...
anyway...raya rumah sis i thn 
tok nang meriah...
dh la x plan apa2 bt still ramai juak 
sedara2 agk umah nya...ngeheee~
tp,sygnya....i did not take any pictures...
how i really need a camera right now...
hope ehh dpt beli cam..but no $$$...
tp x hal la...enjoy tek nk...
beralih ke holiday tok,okay2 jerr~~
frustrating is...
i x pat mok donlod byk2 tok...
line nang slow abis ehh...
p sbr jak la...
assignment ??
cgek pun lom i sentuh gk..kekeke~
dh nama holiday tek nk..
k,i mok chow lok...later update gk.. 
adios !!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

home sweet home !!!

yeah !!!! best da bunyi title ya...home sweet home !!!
nang best la bila dh smpey rumah...see,up there is the pic of my sweet home...just an ordinary kpg house la kn....smangat kemerdekaan bha..siap ada flag lg...
last nite i was so damn tired sitting in the bus for hours and hours...fuhh~

haa~ that the seat that me and my roomate bought...back of the bus ?? yes,it was at the back of the bus...and i don't like it....
i was going back home with my two lovely bff's...miss Adellynna and miss Annette...

that's both of them....ngehheeheee~
so,the journey was good...safe...but,
my back hurts coz sitting for hours in the bus...hurmmm...of course i'm enjoying 
my playlist....
lalalala~keep replaying 
Leona Lewis Broken...
so nice bha the song...
so,i'm home...there be a lots of thing to do...
i hate looking at those assignment...
its holiday bha !!!
actually i'm out of idea to write now....
so adios then !!!
ehhhh,here some pics i snap at home...out of boredom....lol~

the door of my mansion....lol~

the living room...

another part of the living room...

the door of my hideout....lol~

another piece of art that i spend days to draw it...satisfied with my own art ?? yes i did...hahaha~


Saturday, August 20, 2011

holiday,test,final exam !!

hmmm~~ the title seems to be happy plus scared...
why ?? happy coz its holiday there but scared to see the 2 other words with it... TEST & FINAL EXAM 
why they have to make it in a very close time....its gonna be holiday mode after the holiday and no one will be in the mood of having test....there will still be mood of RAYA then....hmmmm~~
but, what to do...thats what they have set,so have to move on no matter what...
last post,i've posted about me ber"sungkey" with my lovely ac110 yoejachingu...now,here are some pictures of me and my ac1104b BEL 312 classmates.....it was fun coz it was many of us....and all they keep on doing is taking pictures,pictures and pictures.....lol~
anyway,its really enjoying...only this is the time that we can spend having meal together as 1 family.... =D

so here is some of the pictures.....

hope that our friendship last forever !!!
okay,gtg now....adios !!! ANNYEONG !!!