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Saturday, December 24, 2011

i'm happy...

Yeah...setelah lama i hilang,now I update lg...ngeheee..
Byk kali dh try nk update blog tp x kesampaian..
Ari tu nk try guna phone,tp x pandai lh..eheheh~
Okay...setelah lama I x update,byk benda happen around..
And of course,the most happiest thing bila merchandise INFINITE sudah sampai..15/11 tu, Nana Hazwanee text I and bgtau brg tu dh sampai..happy sgt ne...thanks again agashii.. :)

INFINITE's merchandise !!

button badge !

i like this 1.."Certified INSPIRIT !"


simple but nice !!

paradise..skrg berada di pencil box I while 3 lagi kat beg kuliah..hehe~

photocards !!

L's photocard with the cute keychain..but now I dh jdkn handphone charm.. :)

Wow~~ mmg cantek ba brg2 ne..if anyone nk order,
rajin2 la go to --> Leng Cha Naa kt fb k..
byk lg stuff yg ada..not only Infinite,Beast ada..TeenTop ada..CN Blue pun ada..check la if nak tau more lg..
I outing lg hari tu..actually the real reason is,I nk beli tiket utk balik Xmas..but then,boleh pergi pulak tgk movie..We watched "OMBAK RINDU"..
best la jugak..sedih...

next...I dh dpt poster INFINITE jugak...siap tampal dh kat bilik...hehehe~ 

haha...thanks jugak kt nana agashi coz bgtau pasal poster tu..balik dr tgk ombak rindu trus cari epop..walaupun epop cina ne..lol~
hmm...apa lg erk ?? x tau la...
hmm..next nk update pasal xmas la...ngeheee~~~
btw,I'm so damn happy with all those things that i have now...
so,sampai sini la coretan I ne.. see ya next time !!


  1. oit oit.. L mana ble tuu.. saya punyaaaa..

    haha, patutnya kita 3 org amek gambar ba tu sama2 dgn brg2 kita tu.. baru laa.. hehe..

    ba, next apalg mau order? huahuahua~

  2. Ya kn..ptt2 kita gmbr ba sm2 ari tu..dpt la post skali...order ? Ko mau order lg ka ??? Ngeheeee~

  3. haha.. kalau ada duit, mmg mau jak ne.. seasons greetings? huhu

  4. ba..sy juga mau..lalala~~ blanja lha...kekeke~
