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Friday, January 28, 2011


WOW !!! i'm back blogging..really frustrated cuz i can't log in to blog in campus...even twitter also i can't even tweet..huh~
FB pun after working hours baru pat connect and weekends baru dpt fb-ing the whole day..but depends on the connection la..huhu...
ehh...too much frustrating story about me in campus now..lalalalaa~
Anyway,it feels good to be home again..meeting my FAMILY !! 1 week hols must be appreciated...
especially its the time for me to blog and to tweet as much as i want..and not forgetting downloading .. haha..that is a must !!!
sadly...i'm bringing home my boyfie with me..BOYFIE ?? wow~
haha...My BOYFIE name is ASSIGNMENT + HOMEWORK.. i really love him..thats why i'm bringing him back with me..LALALALALAALA~
arghh...its tiring of studying...the STRESS is always disturbing me... go away la STRESS !!!
anyway,HAPPY HOLS everyone !!

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