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Monday, January 31, 2011


amboi...senang je hati minah ni kan..mentang2 cuti...
alaa...cuti seminggu tu cam teda apa jak bha..
kerja blambak dibawa balik rumah...MALAS !!! tu ja word yg dpt describe feel skrg ni bha.. teda 1 rasa pun mau buat semua itu kerja...semua hwork maseh lg lam beg..teda diaorg mau kluar..hahaha~ Ni la terjadi bila student cuti..well,mentang2 la dh cuti,so buku pun cuti bha..haha~boring suda diaorg tgk muka bha..mau juga diaorg idop aman jap..kih3..
plan sblm cuti mmg byk...byk ja bnda yg mau dibuat..p bila dh cuti,dok umah ja..tgk drama lam lappy pun mls..on9 ja..DOWNLOAD !!! haha~bnda paling rajin mau dibuat...kerja bila la mau dipegang..huh~
skejap ja cuti tu bha...huhu!!! mau cuti lama lg ni...boleh kn....
haha~ anyway,holiday is the time to enjoy oneself and be able to release all the stress that caused by studying...
hmmm..orait2,kami kt sini nk off dulu bha...home kamu2 semua enjoy cuti yg tlah diperintahkn..hahaha ~
ENJOY !!!! 

Friday, January 28, 2011


WOW !!! i'm back blogging..really frustrated cuz i can't log in to blog in campus...even twitter also i can't even tweet..huh~
FB pun after working hours baru pat connect and weekends baru dpt fb-ing the whole day..but depends on the connection la..huhu...
ehh...too much frustrating story about me in campus now..lalalalaa~
Anyway,it feels good to be home again..meeting my FAMILY !! 1 week hols must be appreciated...
especially its the time for me to blog and to tweet as much as i want..and not forgetting downloading .. haha..that is a must !!!
sadly...i'm bringing home my boyfie with me..BOYFIE ?? wow~
haha...My BOYFIE name is ASSIGNMENT + HOMEWORK.. i really love him..thats why i'm bringing him back with me..LALALALALAALA~
arghh...its tiring of studying...the STRESS is always disturbing me... go away la STRESS !!!
anyway,HAPPY HOLS everyone !!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

NEW YEAR 2011 & XMAS 2010..

WOW..so fast the time passes...now its 2011..new year,new day,new vision of course..hmmm..nothing much to say i guess..the thing that i do in 1st January is PACKING !!!!! huh~
Really busy packing..my mom keep on telling me to pack up...at last i finish packing and while packing,i download some songs and MV..ah..best...now i wanna speak malay la..hmmm..apa azam thn baru tok ouh ?? sure la mok success...hahaha...best na juak new year last nite..FIREWORKS !!!!  i like bha!!! nang rasa meriah jak ehh...walaupun bising jak bunyi fireworks ya,p ku asa best jak nangga..kck ehh...ku asa happy jak nangga..ku arap new year 2011 tok will be a year of happiness bha...marek smpat juak temu ngan geng2...mok tauk cney port mkorg lepak ?? my friend's grave..wow~mkorg visit our late friends grave bha..lamak dh mkorg x agak nya..miss gler ngan nya bha..4 tahun dh nya ninggalkn mkorg..asa cam marek jak nya ada ngan mkorg..but,wat to do kn..God loves her more bha..asa cam nya lepak sama jak sbb korg cia..share2 crita ngan nya...susah mkorg mok kumpul sama bha..ujong tahun kdk tok nang besh!!slalu pat temu geng...Xmas 2010 pun besh juak..pgi umah geng2..geng ngabang pun besh gler ehh...really having fun bha...walaupun skali mkorg balit ujan2,p nang best !! geng sporting bha.. ku rasa syukur sbb geng2 still dpt kumpul..aku hrp FRIENDSHIP WILL BE FOREVER ouh all my CHINGGU !!! nek tok asa sdeh juak mok balit kampus..rasa mok lepak ngan geng & family tiap ari jak ehh..ssh mok lepak gk bha..ssh juak mok carik geng kdk geng ku tok..I LOVE U GUYS !!!!!SARANGHAEYO CHINGGU !!!!