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Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011 !!!

HO..HO..HO... Merry Christmas everybody...
Its the third day of Christmas today,and I only can updated my blog today...lalalala~
How's Christmas for those who celebrating it ?
For me,this year was awesome..Why ?
Because it's just awesome laa...hehehe~
Okeyh...that's all for the intro...

Skrg back to malay la..
23/12 I sampai di Mukah..my beloved hometown..
It was freezing cold ba dlm bas smlm mlm tu...seriously sejuk gilerr ah..Rasa cam kt negara winter jak ne...
Ala-ala korea la kononnya ne..ahaaa...
That day,rehat sekejap jer tau...Byk berjalan ba ari tu..with my mum beli ni,beli tu...wah2...shopping for Christmas la...preparation..

On the 24th pulak...Christmas Eve !! yay!! Excited la..plus,my sis and family sampai ari tu...meriah la jugak rumah kn..ada budak nk bising2..kekeke...Hari tu busy la jugak..then ptg tu pegi church for Christmas eve mass...
Christmas eve with pink polka dots.. ;)
Mlm tu jumpa byk saudara mara dr jauh,friends..happy dpt jumpa dgn diaorg ba..once a year ne...

On 25th..YAY !! Its Christmas ba...Yeah...Hr tu xda gi church..getting ready at home je..tolong2 kt rumah la kn..

my niece,rocking on Christmas..
Many of close relatives came that day..It was very busy..and of course,really making me full of food..All the dishes was DAEBAK !! credits to my lovely sis...

me in grey on Christmas... :)
                           That nite was awesome..why ?
  Sebab,I pergi "ngabang" with kengkawan...Ni la ms utk I & kengkawan jumpa ba..once a year ne dpt berkumpul ramai2...bkn senang bkumpul dgn diaorg ne...
Claren & Christopher..

Johnny & Vennoel..
Only two of this picture that I snap..there were more of us..but still in my friend,Claren's phone..Cannot bluetooth that nite..(ntah mcm mana experia budak tu x mau nk bluetooth..)...huhu~
I akan post gmbr tu next time la...Mlm tu kiteorg jln hujan2 dowh..sanggup ne..kami pergi 5 buah rmh je mlm tu..tp balik akhir ne...lol~tp geng ne la yg paling gila2...You guys were awesome !!

On the 26th...ehh..ne la birthday my beloved chingu, Annette..
Me & Annette..birthday girl...
That day,byk jugak la relatives pergi rmh...mcm thn2 sblm ne..
Me in my favourite Purple !
Mlm tu kami jln lagi ba...But first,kami mkn2 dulu kat rumah Annette..Celebrate la birthday dia jap kn...kekeke..
Really enjoy that night too...next, more picture to come...

vennoel..ayu je pose ni..I like !! (sorry cuzzy..)

the only girls...annette,me,adelle..

Syg sgt coz ada kwn yg x dpt balik for christmas ne..Especially girls...Rindu sama mereka ba..Anyway,next year masih ada..



They are all awesome...Best eh bjln dgn diorg ne..sume gila2 bh..skepala...ketawa mmg x pernah stop ne...lucu2 smua...I'm glad to be friends with them..ada lg picture yg kmi smua bgambar skali,ala-ala family photo la..but not in my hand ba...still waiting ne...will be posted soon lah....
Then,mlm tu jugak,cousin2 sleepover kt umah...
my handsome cousin...

my other cousin with his lappy..

one more cousin...all of them boys..

my cousin & my niece..

my niece just open up a fb account.. :)

out of boredom with my boy..

Cousin I ne semua kecik2 kn ??
diaorang ne mmg slalu sleepover kt umah I bila I balik Mukah..
Nk kasi riuh sikit rumah kn...
Budak2 ne semua ada Facebook tau..
budak2 zaman moden ba...

So,thats what happen from the day i came home until the 2nd day of christmas...mmg best la...krismas kn...hehehe~~

next sneak peak umah I lak...

x byk ne gmbr I snap,,just few for preview...
okay..i think thats all for today...will update more after this...
Annyeong !!!
My Mr Santa...cute ba ne santa..

cheers...bye~~ ;)

Merry Christmas from INFINITE too...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

i'm happy...

Yeah...setelah lama i hilang,now I update lg...ngeheee..
Byk kali dh try nk update blog tp x kesampaian..
Ari tu nk try guna phone,tp x pandai lh..eheheh~
Okay...setelah lama I x update,byk benda happen around..
And of course,the most happiest thing bila merchandise INFINITE sudah sampai..15/11 tu, Nana Hazwanee text I and bgtau brg tu dh sampai..happy sgt ne...thanks again agashii.. :)

INFINITE's merchandise !!

button badge !

i like this 1.."Certified INSPIRIT !"


simple but nice !!

paradise..skrg berada di pencil box I while 3 lagi kat beg kuliah..hehe~

photocards !!

L's photocard with the cute keychain..but now I dh jdkn handphone charm.. :)

Wow~~ mmg cantek ba brg2 ne..if anyone nk order,
rajin2 la go to --> Leng Cha Naa kt fb k..
byk lg stuff yg ada..not only Infinite,Beast ada..TeenTop ada..CN Blue pun ada..check la if nak tau more lg..
I outing lg hari tu..actually the real reason is,I nk beli tiket utk balik Xmas..but then,boleh pergi pulak tgk movie..We watched "OMBAK RINDU"..
best la jugak..sedih...

next...I dh dpt poster INFINITE jugak...siap tampal dh kat bilik...hehehe~ 

haha...thanks jugak kt nana agashi coz bgtau pasal poster tu..balik dr tgk ombak rindu trus cari epop..walaupun epop cina ne..lol~
hmm...apa lg erk ?? x tau la...
hmm..next nk update pasal xmas la...ngeheee~~~
btw,I'm so damn happy with all those things that i have now...
so,sampai sini la coretan I ne.. see ya next time !!

Sunday, November 27, 2011


2 weeks dh x update blog..
rindu la plak...hehee~
Been busy..
Skrg x pat nk on9 cam holiday ari tu..huhu..
Okeyh..ne nak story la apa yg dh blaku 2 minggu ne..
1st day sampai kt Kuching around 5.30 la on 14th Nov...
My aunt,husband and lovely daughter ambek la kt terminal..lama jugak tunggu..biasala..jln sesak kn..
So then,dinner..yg lucu sblm dinner tu,I with my cuzzy jln la redah ujan nk pgi tmpat makan ne,skali ada anjing ne,dia menyalak pulak kt kmi 2..so,apa lg...lari la dlm ujan..hahaha~ kinda funny ba..tgk2,anjing tu x kejar pon..
The next day,my uncle hanta pgi campus..ambek kunci bilik la..
Now,jln cerita PM pulak..hehee~~
mlm tu ada pjumpaan ngan semua PM..mmg rs pelik la coz byk PM lama time tu..agak kekok ba ne...jd org baru kn..
Pas tu,the new one ne dibahagikn ke biro2 blainan..
I masuk biro disiplin ne..what ?? DISIPLIN ?? 
wow~ bdisiplin sgt ke I ne ??
Then,go on la the whole week dgn tugas PM ne..
bkn senang ba..bgn kol 4.30 pagi then balik kol 12 @ 1 cam tu...
wow~~ the whole week mmg penat sgt2..but enjoy la coz dpt kenal dgn PM2 lain and the juniors..
So Sabtu tu,abis la MDS dgn jayanya...hehe~
Rs betul2 dihargai ja time tu..tepukan juniors mmg 1 penghargaan yg bernilai dgn kepayahan menjayakan minggu MDS ne..hahaa~
Then,21st tu start la new semester...
1st day,xda kelas pon..sorg je lecturer yg masuk..the whole week tu mmg malas ne nk turun..but,have tu..ada azam ba semester ne..hehe~
Next...outing with my beloved roomies...
the date kitorg semua outing and shopping..plus,movie...

Ne la movie yg kiteorg tgk ari tu...1st tu agak boring ba..but the ending was a bit nice..nk tgk sgt 2nd part ne nnt...huhu~
then,pgi ICT fair plak kt BCCK...sempat la snap few pic situ...

Next,I got myself an early xmas gift...hehe..

Just got myself a new phone..lol xD
early xmas gift utk diri sendiri ba ne...
1st time beli guna own money jugak..sblm ne,my bro yg slalu kasi phone...
so,camera ?? maybe next time..camera phone ne pon ada kn..hahaha~~
so skrg tgh tunggu another items..INFINITE items !!! dh order dh..just tunggu sampai jak lg...
thanks to Nana Hazwanee coz tolong order with payment skali..bleh jd dealer ba dia ne..ngeheee~~
next,few picture time outing tu...

besar ba pin tu..ngehee~~

okayla...sampai ne jak la.mst busy lg pas ne..entah bila dpt update lg...maybe xmas ??
so,adios for now !!!