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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Enjin belum PANAS !!

Aloha !!
hampir 2 minggu suda kuliah start..
otak masih dlm mode holiday..
Lambat ni mau kasi enjin panas..
well,nama dh cuti almost 2 bulan kn..
Kuliah buat setakat ni,ok la..
no problem..
balik awal jugak..hoho~
cuma ada la lecturer yg sound scary sikit..
Bila dh jd part 6 ni,
mcm2 la expectation diorang kt student senior ni..
Looks like all the paper for this sem,KILLER !
But still,
I nk struggle la utk sem yg terakhir ni kn..
Tgh sedaya upaya memanaskn enjin ni..
Notes dr part 1-5 semua dh sedia for certain subjek sem ni..
tp,mcm mau Gila !
Benda yg sem 1 dulu,hmmm..entah brapa percent jak yg tinggal..
Plus,my memory is bad..
kena la recall balik semua..
READ !! and READ !!
kena la rajin buat tutorial pas ni..
takde idea dh pon..
Sampai sini je la..

Oh God,Give me Faith.. :D

Saturday, June 9, 2012

It's worth it..

Hello Peeps !!
I had a very busy week since last week..
Wae ??
on 27/5/12, I went back to Kuching..
I don't wanna go back that early because there still 2 weeks of holiday and there I wanna attend my cousin's wedding too..
I say to myself that I still have a duty as "Pembantu Mahasiswa" for the orientation week..
Orientation week starts on 3/6/12..
so,why I went back so early then ??
I have to attend courses for the PM..
Candidates for MPP also join the courses..
It was held from 29-31/6/12 at Oh! One Hotel Santubong..

check-in !
3 days 2 night there was kindda fun..with a very sporting "hotel-mate"..ngeheeheee~~
We also done some group activities during the courses..

Group presentation..

Next,Random photo's taken there..

More photo's with friends !

All of us !!

It will be about "MINGGU DESTINI SISWA" @ "MDS"
On 3rd June,
All the new students starts registering themselves..
It was a very tiring day..
Especially for us,"BIRO DISIPLIN & KESELAMATAN"..
Why ?
Some of us had to stand under the hot sun and control the traffic..

few pictures taken around the girls dorm..

This semester I didn't become facilitator for group activities..
yay !!
Just focus on our bureau works..

let's see some photo's again...

All the PM in RED !!
1st time ever,PM have their own official shirt for orientation week..

Penjaga GUA !!

Mr Penghulu & Mr Treasurer..

Last Post Morterm..
                           That 2 weeks passed just like that..
Next week,lectures will start..
Study,study and study..
It's the 6th semester already..
And that orientation is the last that i will join as my contract has officially ends..
Sure I'm gonna miss all of them after this..
Even there were some misunderstanding  during the week,
but all of us done a great job managing it..
Even it was tiring and all of us doesn't have enough sleep,
we still can smile and give the best for all the juniors..
This is where I think it's all worth it.. :D
Enough for now..

Credits goes to all rightful owner.. :)