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Sunday, January 29, 2012

another ordinary week...some random stuff !

Hello people !!
Another week dh pon berlalu...
x tau la nk ckp apa kn..
Week ne pon sm mcm week sblm ne jugak..
I feel miserable sgt~~

Minggu ne ada 2 lagi test yg I kna ambek...
FAR300 & TAX320..
Comments about test tu ??
FAR300 tu kira mcm okay la..
I x merungut sgt..
tp paper yg 1 lagi tu yg bikin hati sakit sgt..
Soalan tu simple but a bit tricky la..
tp,masalah nya,I msh jugak confuse dgn benda yg simple tu..
GERAM sgt dgn myself ba...

Okay la...mls nk crita lg pasal benda ne...
tgk jap gambar bwh tu....

Ne la novel yg I beli with voucher last week... 
"Vampire Beach"..
Sampai mana dh baca ??
Sparuh pon belum smpai ba...lol xD
1st time tu beli novel...ahahaha~~
sebelum ne rajin baca komik & majalah je k...kekekeke~
If voucher tu dpt guna beli benda lain,
mst xda la buku2 ke,stationery semua...ahahhaa~
Maybe beli korean merchandise ke..
or even beli accessories kot..
Well,I ne mmg gila ba dgn accessories..
Especially dgn rings and bracellet...wow~~

my rings collections..

my bracelets..

Byk ka tu ??
Thats all my accessories collection..
Simpan je yg byk,guna pon jarang..
cincin tu,letak kt semua jari tmasuk jari kaki skali kot..lol xD
My mom dh tau sgt hobi sy ne..
dh x heran dh dia tgk I  byk cincin @ gelang..
dulu time belum dpt beli yg ori,
beli la cincin yg palsu tu...
berkarat la bila dh lama2..
I still simpan few of them...
byk la jugak..
I suka sgt yg ada diamond2 ne..
cantek !!
Gelang ??
Bangle kot yg byk..tp jarang guna..
I now guna gelang silver and cincin silver from collection I tu..
Skrg ne kebykan cincin I beli yg silver punya...
kwn semua dh tau I ne mmg suka kumpul accessories ne..
besides that,
I suka kumpul benda lain jugak.

Other than that,
kt bilik di hostel tu,
dinding dh full dgn posters...

Big poster of INFINITE !




my own poster..lol~~

another INFINITE poster..

all..beside my bed...
I love collecting stuff..
I also got a lot of keychains...
but I didn't took any photo of them...
Ne nk tunjuk sikit my E-pop calendar...

2011 E-Pop Calendar yg dh temankn I selama stahun..

2012 Calendar..much bigger than last year..nice !

Just random2 ja ne ba..
Got no idea sebenarnya...
ehh...lupa pulak..
I dh abes dh tgk tu FLOWER BOY RAMYUN SHOP..
The drama mmg nice..lucu ne...
Tgk la k...
Next ??
Maybe Scent of a woman kot..
Nk tunggu Infinite L's punya drama lg ne...
plus,Dream high 2 jugak..
Byk ne drama baru..
Hello Baby Mblaq pon still on going skrg..
1st episode mmg best...
Can't wait for the rest of the show la..

So,thats all for today ya peeps..
Gotta go now...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Another week of frustration yet does bring bit smile~~

                          Hell to the O spells HELLO people !!
As usual,weekly update of my blog..
(coz i rarely on9 in campus..huh !)
Well...another week of frustration !!!
My MAF 320 test was so awesome !!
The questions was just simple but I just can't answer it !!
HUH !!

Next...Last weekend...
I have finished my RM 200 voucher..
just like that ba...
Bought laptop bag,calculator,books,stationeries and...
That was the first novel I ever bought...
The real plan was to buy comics...
but,the comic that i like was not available...sob~~sob~~
what novel ??
An English novel "VAMPIRE BEACH"
the novel sound interesting,so I bought it...
and...there goes my RM 200 voucher...annyeong !! hahaha..

Here some random photo I took out of boredom...

The last 3 voucher..
if only the voucher can be use to buy other thing,this is 1st in my list !

I'm on my way watching INFINITE Birth Of A Family..
then,also in my list is MBLAQ Hello Baby...waa~~
Also in progress now is Flower Boy Ramyun Shop..

Now,some photo of what I am watching now..(in progress)


Flower Boy Ramyun Shop.. :)

the three of them look just nice !

MBLAQ SEUNGHO with LAUREN in Hello Baby..

Can't wait to watch HELLO BABY with uri MBLAQ !!
Also hoping to finish Flower Boy Ramyun Shop this coming week..
plus,another drama of INFINITE's L is coming too..
Shut Up Flower Boy Band ...
Other than that,
the awaited DREAM HIGH 2 also be on air too..
Both the drama will be aired on 30th January..
Can't wait to watch them...

Shut Up Flower Boy Band..

Dream High 2...

Those drama will be the drama waited by all kpop's fan..
including me...lol~
Thats all for now... ANNYEONG !!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Weekly update and the freaking friday !!

Annyeonghaseyo people !!
the title of the entry seems to be really freaking is it ??
Actually its like more to madness Friday...
hmmm..Later I'll explain why...

Okay,sekarang back ckp BM lak k..
Minggu ne result utk proposal ke Sabah utk klas MKT 243 dh kluar...
Guess what ??
Its approved by the HEA department!!
Waaa...x sia2 ba kami rushing siapkn proposal tu..
hmm,ada tapi lg tu... :(
takde peruntukan ba...
Mcm mana la nk ke Sabah kalau xda budget kn ??
So,maybe angan2 nak ke Sabah ne dipostponed la sem ne.. :(
Next plan ?
 lecturer tu nk ke MUKAH la pulak..
Happy ??
Dpt balik kpg ba tu...yeahh~~
Tp,belum sure lagi..so,sabar je la kn..

snap time meeting pasal aktiviti dgn P.A..

Next,aktiviti dgn P.A pulak..
Ne semua gara2 kemahiran insaniah tu..
Ajk tertinggi projek(x termasuk saudari bendahari : SAYA) dh mencadangkn utk ke MIRI...
Sy x nak komen byk pasal benda ne..MALAS sgt rsnya..hmm..
Tp,tersenarai jugak jd AJK Tertinggi..huh~

Okay la...next plak pasal Freaking Friday tu...
Baucer dah pun dibagi td...(Friday ba)
Memang mencabar keimanan ne nak ambil baucer td tu...
berbaris bukan maen panjang lg tu..
Lagi2,course accounting ne..
Dh la ramai,berbaris pon mcm org yg x pernah diajar utk berbaris...
Nama je pelajar universiti..
Tp macam uneducated person je tu...
Mana x semua hot ne...
But then,sy dpt jugak ambik baucer tu dgn hati yg senang..
Bagus x payah berbaris 2 jam pagi td..
(2 jam tu bleh tgk 1 episode drama @ buat h/work account lagi bagus..)
Ne,bikin kaki sakit jak tu..

Ne la rupa baucer yg org brebut nk ambil...hoho~

muka2 x sabar nk ambil baucer ne...lol~

Tu la preview apa yg jd dlm minggu ne...
plus,I have ruin my quiz this week...Failed !
I need to work hard for costing subject this semester..

In addition,sy skarang ne odw tgk 1 drama ne..
If not mistaken,
sy pernah tgk drama ne time form 3 kot..
x ingat dh..
tp,x abis ba time tu..
skarang ne tgh odw nak abiskn..
sanggup plak pinjam dvd lecturer BEL last sem...
hahaha..(thanks miss !)

Ne la drama tu...
9 Ends 2 Outs..
a.k.a 2 outs in the 9th inning..
best ba...

main actor.. Lee Jung Jin..
main actress Soo Ae..

Hope dpt abis cepat ne..ahaha..
Next time maybe nk post la pasal drama ne dgn lebih lanjut k...

So,sampai ne jak la k...
Malas suda ne...
Next time will update more...
GOODBYE people !!

F.Y.I : FT ISLAND is in Malaysia right now...
How I wish I can be in their concert...hmmm~~

Saturday, January 7, 2012

the chapter continues...

at last I'm making a new entry...
Its been a week after New Year.
Hows new year peeps ??
I hope it was a blast for everyone..
Me ?
So amaze by fireworks..

Okay...now,chatter time !!
I'm now back in campus..
so,my campus chapter continues...
In pink for the 1st day of class..and it rains..lol~
(CERTIFIED INSPIRIT MODE..look at the tag..xD)
actually,holiday spirit is still in the air right now..
How I wish to be home again..
I'm not in the mood of studying now..
but,quizzes and tests are waiting for me after this..
This 1st week,only 1 quiz have been done and I was kinda shock to see the result was satisfying...
Actually I didn't expect I could get that much..
I was studying last minute with my brain are still slow to recall back those thing that I have learn before the holiday..
But,thank God I was able to answer the questions..
I still have more quizzes and test to come..
hope I can focus..
Enough with this campus thing...

I am now looking forward for a rookie korean group called MYNAME..

why this group ??
I also don't know..
Lately I was attracted to their song called "MESSAGE"
I had posted the song before but now,I seem to fall in love with the song much more..
wanna hear the song ?
Check the link below yahh... :)
In the mean time,
I am on my way watching "Ta-Dah Its MYNAME Real Story"
Its all about MYNAME in the show...
If you wanna watch it,check out the link below..
I will post more about Myname again next time..
their profile of course..
I'm still delaying FT Island profile as I'm a bit busy right now..
But sure will post them later.. ;)
Next ??
This week I'm also busy watching some of the performance of the K-pop's in their GAYO DAEJUN stage..
Gayo Daejun ??
Its the end-of-the-year music program broadcast in Korean..
all the performance was nice even there were some errors..
As usual,Infinite always give a DAEBAK performance with their synchronized dance..
They also give the best performance as always..i like !!

backstage picture of SUPER JUNIOR..
okay then..thats all for this entry...
see ya soon !!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011...Welcome 2012..

Annyeonghaseyo people !!
wow~ can't believe that now we are in the year of 2012...
So fast the time flies...
Say Goodbye to dear 2011...
Thanks for all the memories made in 2011..
Anything that happen in 2011 will help us to be much better in the year to come..

Welcome 2012 !!!
Its already 2012..and my age will also adding up..hmmm~~
Btw,New Year celebration was awesome for me..
Even it was just a simple celebration with family,but it was nice..
I was celebrating New Year at my grandma's place..
I think it was the 2nd year I celebrated it there..
What I like the most is the fireworks...
I really enjoy the fireworks..
It makes me feel really happy looking at those fireworks in the sky..
Then I flashback..
There were 2 times when I celebrated New Year away from home..
1st : New Year 2009..
Where am I ??

I was in the National Service that time..We were stuck in dorm(dorm Rambutan..funny name right ??lol xD)
during the New Year...hmm~~pity to hear that huh ??
my besties in camp..Christina Rini..

2 more besties..Jane & Oly..
New Year 2010 ? I was celebrating it with my new friends...
Minggu Mesra Siswa..taking picture with Mr Graduation..
That time I was in the middle of my orientation "Minggu Mesra Siswa"..
The new year was..hmm..what can I say ?? Just nothing..

Now,lets talk about 2012..
1st ??
Of course,a new hope for the new year..wanna be a better person..
plus,for studies of course...hope I'll get through it well..
The thing that I've been waiting for since 2010 is...
2012  is the year where I will finish my study in diploma..
wow~looks like I have been a diploma student for 2 years now...
I'm glad I move on without any problems..
me in the 1st semester..the hair looks funny..lol xD
Every semester was an unforgetable memories for me and all my beloved friends...
the 2nd semester.. :)

3rd Semester... :)

4th semester..hmm.. 

Wow~ flashback of my appearances in the last 4 semester...
how about now ??

me ? nothing will ever change...I hope this new year will bring much happiness to me and all the people around me...
 One of my wish this year would be...
graduate my diploma on time.. :D

I really wish everything would go just smoothly as it is..
I hope its worth of my effort studying for almost 3 years...
can't wait for that moment to come.. ;)

2011 have been washed away..but all the precious moment still be in our hearts..
In this brand new year,
I hope everything will go on as it is..
2011 have left me so many things that I still need to improve each one of it...

I think that's all that I can share for this update...
Have a blessed New Year people !!
Stay cool,stay gorgeous,stay healthy !!
Last but not least......